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Features / January 17, 2024

Social connection – lifestyle medicine

by Siobhan Kelleher

social connection

Siobhan Kelleher explores the role of social connection in lifestyle medicine and provides insights from the blue zones.

In pursuing optimal health and wellbeing, lifestyle medicine has emerged as a holistic approach that emphasises the importance of various lifestyle factors. 

While nutrition, physical activity and stress management are commonly accepted pillars of lifestyle medicine, the significance of social connection often goes unnoticed. 

This article aims to shed light on the pivotal role of social connection as one of the pillars of lifestyle medicine, exploring its impact on physical and mental health. 

By examining relevant studies and drawing insights from the research of Dan Buettner in the blue zones, this article will demonstrate how fostering social connections can lead to improved overall wellbeing.

Social connection

Social connection – encompassing relationships, community engagement and support networks – is crucial in lifestyle medicine. It has been shown to positively influence physical health outcomes, such as cardiovascular health, immune function and longevity. Moreover, social connection significantly impacts mental health, reducing the risk of depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline. 

Social connection is a powerful tool in achieving optimal health and wellbeing by promoting healthy behaviours, providing emotional support and enhancing resilience. 

Research conducted by Dan Buettner, founder of Blue Zones, further supports the importance of social connection in promoting longevity and wellbeing.

Physical health benefits

Numerous studies have highlighted the positive impact of social connections on physical health. For instance, a study by Holt-Lunstad and colleagues (2010) found that individuals with strong social relationships have a 50% higher likelihood of survival than those with weaker connections. 

Social support networks can also influence cardiovascular health, as demonstrated by the research conducted by Buettner (2012). 

The blue zones are regions worldwide where people live longer and healthier lives. Buettner’s research revealed that social connection is a common factor among these communities, contributing to their exceptional longevity. 

For example, in Okinawa, Japan, where social connections are deeply ingrained in the culture, individuals have lower rates of heart disease and live longer lives.

Mental health benefits

Social connection is closely linked to mental health, which is vital in preventing and managing mental illnesses. 

House and colleagues (1988) found that individuals with limited social connections were more likely to develop depression and anxiety disorders. Conversely, strong social support networks have been shown to reduce the risk of mental health issues. 

Buettner’s (2012) research further supports these findings. In the blue zones, individuals have strong social ties and a sense of belonging, contributing to their overall mental wellbeing. For instance, in Sardinia, Italy, where people have close-knit communities and strong family bonds, rates of depression and anxiety are lower compared to other regions.

Promotion of healthy behaviours

Social connection can positively influence health behaviours, leading to improved overall wellbeing. A study by Umberson and Montez (2010) found that individuals who engage in healthy behaviours, such as regular exercise and healthy eating, are more likely to have social connections that support and reinforce these behaviours. 

The research conducted by Buettner (2012) emphasises the role of social connection in promoting healthy behaviours. In the blue zones, individuals engage in communal activities such as gardening, walking and cooking together, fostering social connections and promoting physical activity and healthy eating habits.

The power of social connection

Social connection is an essential pillar of lifestyle medicine, playing a significant role in promoting both physical and mental health. The research conducted by Buettner (2012) supports the importance of social connection in promoting longevity and wellbeing. 

Recognising the significance of social connection in lifestyle medicine allows healthcare professionals and individuals to prioritise building and maintaining strong social support networks. By doing so, we can harness the power of social connection to enhance our health and lead fulfilling lives. 


  • Buettner D (2012) The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest. National Geographic 
  • Holt-Lunstad J, Smith TB, Layton JB (2010) Social relationships and mortality risk: a meta-analytic review. PLoS Med 7(7): e1000316
  • House JS, Landis KR, Umberson D (1988) Social relationships and health. Science 241(4865): 540-545
  • Kawachi I, Berkman LF (2001) Social ties and mental health. Journal of Urban Health 78(3): 458-467
  • Umberson D, Montez JK (2010) Social relationships and health: a flashpoint for health policy. J Health Soc Behav 51(suppl): s54-s66
  • Yang YC, Boen C, Gerken K, Li T, Schorpp K, Harris KM (2016) Social relationships and physiological determinants of longevity across the human life span. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(3): 578-583 

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