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News / February 4, 2021

Read the latest issue of Irish Dentistry online now

by Gaby Bissett


The latest issue of Irish Dentistry is now available to read online

The latest issue of Irish Dentistry is now available to read online.

The January/February issue of Irish Dentistry is now available to read online, featuring an unrivalled blend of current affairs, clinical casework and business advice.

Irish Dentistry is Ireland’s major online dental title that strives to promote excellence in dentistry and create a bright future for dental professionals and patients alike.

‘Over the last year, there’s been much discussion within the Irish Dentistry team regarding the decision to take the digital publishing path,’ said Siobhan Hiscott, editor of Irish Dentistry. ‘The outcome is that we believe the time is right for Irish Dentistry to try a more eco-friendly, paperless route.

‘Without development, change and progression, everything stagnates: it’s a matter of fact. But change isn’t easy. It can be intimidating and, quite frankly, a little scary.

‘Trying something new shouldn’t involve throwing out what works. So while the way you get to read this magazine may be different, our stance on quality articles from leading professionals within dentistry and beyond has not changed.

‘It is our intention to continue to bring you the same high-calibre content that you know and love Irish Dentistry for. All while also becoming more accessible and eco-friendly than ever before!

‘We are delighted to have the backing of so many of you – and the companies you’ll see advertising within the magazine. It is only with this support that Irish Dentistry is able to not only survive but also thrive in the current climate.’

What’s in store?

In the January/February issue, Irish dental hygienist Siobhan Kelleher shares her thoughts on how she’ll be approaching this year. In the process, she explains a little more about what’s in store for the NSK Ikigai Oral Hygiene Programme.

Taking a clinical approach, Amanda Harbrow-Harris explores lupus in dentistry and details how to manage patients with the long-term autoimmune disease.

With a reported rise in orthodontic consultations recently (thanks in part to the ‘Zoom boom’), Dan Counihan, Niamh McAuliffe and Kate Counihan present a number of clinical cases that highlight how extraction of second molars can be used to achieve a full smile.

We also hear from marketing pro Chris Baker on how to reach out to patients during the current challenging times.

‘With the Brexit deal now in place and vaccines being rolled out across the nation, there seems to be a sliver of stability at the end of what’s been a long, uncertain tunnel,’ added Siobhan. ‘But whatever else lies round the corner, be safe in the knowledge that we at Irish Dentistry are here to help support and guide you.’