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EFP defends use of toothpaste while brushing

A recent review has found that toothbrushing alone may be just as effective as toothbrushing with toothpaste to remove plaque. It found that there is ‘moderate certainty that toothbrushing with a toothpaste does not provide an added effect for the mechanical removal of dental plaque’. The European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) has responded, adding that … Continued

More than half of Irish disgusted by bad breath

More than half (61%) of Irish say they are disgusted by other people’s bad breath caused by plaque. A nationwide survey conducted by Oral-B also noted that seven out of 10 (67%) people don’t check their own plaque levels. In fact, 91% of Irish people don’t even know how. Unfortunately, this means a drastic plaque … Continued