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Free charity dental treatment for Northern Ireland’s homeless

Dental charity Dentaid and Bupa Dental Care have partnered up to offer free dental treatments to those who are homeless in Northern Ireland. The new mobile unit will visit Simon Community NI, a homeless charity in Northern Ireland. Clients suffering from toothache will be able to access free, emergency pain relieving treatments on the Dentaid … Continued

Homeless angry and anxious about dental care

A new study shows the difficulties homeless people have coping with dental care. In a stream of open-ended interviews with homeless people in Vancouver, Canada, it was found that most believe dentistry is ‘frightening, humiliating and expensive’. The interviews also found that they believe governments are neither sympathetic to their disability nor willing to provide … Continued

Handle with care: our focus on vulnerable patients

Introducing Irish Dentistry’s focus on Ireland’s most vulnerable patients throughout 2018. What’s it all about? — Last year was an important year for Ireland’s most vulnerable patients. Initiatives like Mouth Cancer Awareness Day highlighted the importance of caring for socially excluded patients, like the homeless and addiction sufferers. In the summer, the Irish Society of … Continued

Mouth cancer rates rising for homeless

The homeless are facing increased risks of mouth cancer, warn dentists. Two people are dying each week from the disease, with the homeless the most vulnerable. ‘A lot of people say the lives of homeless people are chaotic but the reality is that life on the streets imposes chaos on them,’ Professor lánaid Daly, who … Continued