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Dentists to cycle 750km in honour of brother

Above photo: Peter and Alex, two of the cyclists, take a break during training Three dentists from Beechwood Dental will cycle from Paris to Nice in France to raise money for the ARC Cancer Support Centre in Dublin. Peter, Alex and Greg will complete the 750km cycle in September in honour of their colleague, and … Continued

Dental students to host CPD night in Dublin

Fourth-year dental students will host a CPD night on 17 May to raise funds for DOVE (Dental Overseas Voluntary Elective). The night will take place at the Dublin Dental Hospital and will feature a lecture on the fundamentals of paediatric dentistry for the GDP, delivered by Dr Kirsten Fitzgerald. Dr Una Lally and Dr Michael … Continued

Study shows dental hygiene patients most anxious

A study has shown that a third of patients awaiting dental hygiene appointments have pretreatment anxiety. Dental procedures usually associated with pain, such as root canal treatments or implant placement, were found to be unrelated to dental anxiety. Gingivitis and age were high on the list of dental anxiety factors. ‘Fear of the unknown, perceived … Continued

Antidepressants link with implant failure

Antidepressants have been linked to a higher rate of dental implant failure. Antidepressants have been shown to affect bone metabolism and may be more likely to develop xerostomia, according to The use of both antidepressants and patients with dental implants has increased in the last 10 years in the US. ‘Antidepressants are the second … Continued

Training and competency in dental hygiene

Joe Ingham looks at expanding your horizons as a dental hygienist in training and competency From the comfort of the front passenger seat, anyone who doesn’t have a driving licence might reasonably observe that driving is a fairly straightforward process. The wheel is turned in the required direction of travel and the feet operate pedals … Continued

Dublin, Cork host World Oral Health Day activities

World Oral Health Day 2016 (WOHD) kicked off to a bright start on 20 March as the Irish Dental Hygienists Association (IDHA) promoted oral health across Ireland. Dental hygienists and IDHA members manned stands at Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre in Dublin and Wilton Shopping Centre in Cork, offering oral health advice to the public with … Continued

Regulation debate: the clinical dental technicians

As part of the Regulation Debate, Philip McGrath talks to Irish Dentistry about protecting patient safety and the profession A new dental act should ring in new changes; an opportunity to update outdated legislation and secure the future of the profession. Patient safety should remain a primary focus. As readers of Irish Dentistry, it is … Continued