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Lifting dentistry through leadership

Jacqueline and Bernadette Ffrench discuss LIFT Ireland and how it’s promoting smile-worthy leadership from within. Picture the scene: it is January 2024, several different auxiliary dental team members are seated around the oval table in the alumni room at Trinity College, Dublin. Yvonne Howell, course director of dental hygiene and two of her students from … Continued

Wellbeing – living for a future self

Dental hygienist and coach, Siobhan Kelleher, speaks to hygienist and wellbeing advocate, Bernie Ffrench, about disability, wellbeing and the importance of protecting your future. Siobhan Kelleher (SK): Tell us about your career pathway. Bernie Ffrench (BF): Like most things in life, we are often guided to choose a career path that we feel excited about … Continued