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News / August 28, 2013

Dentistry plea for next Budget

by Guy Hiscott

The Irish Dental Association (IDA) has laid down its recommendations to the government for the 2014 budget in a document titled Budget 2014 Submission.

The IDA argues that cuts to funding have damaged the country’s oral health and that reinstating funds now will save more money in the long term.

Among its recommendations are the reinstatement of preventive and restorative care for PRSI payers and medical card holders, and action being taken to address the shortfall in orthodontic provision.

It also makes a number of arguments for addressing the population’s wider oral health through access schemes and education.

Elsewhere the IDA calls for the reinstatement of the HSE Vocational Training Scheme and repeats the need for a full-time chief dental officer to be appointed.

The full document can be found here.