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News / March 31, 2011

Love your smile

by Guy Hiscott

Ireland’s first annual National Orthodontic Week – ‘Love your smile’ – will run from 11 to 15 April 2011.

To mark the event, a survey carried out by iReach for the Orthodontic Society of Ireland (OSI) reveals that while 43% of Irish adults are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth when they smile, an incredible 63% of young adults would consider having some form of orthodontic treatment. Of the adults who felt orthodontic treatment would be of benefit, 42% would contemplate treatment to improve their appearance, 36% for an improvement in oral health and function, and 21% for an improvement in self-esteem. 

Commenting on the survey, Dr Owen Crotty, president of the OSI, said: ‘We already have evidence from several international studies indicating that one-third of children assessed at the age of 12 have a significant need for orthodontic treatment, and now this survey shows that more than 43% of Irish adults are unhappy with the alignment and appearance of their teeth and would consider having orthodontic treatment.

‘These findings back up evidence from Irish orthodontists who have experienced a significant increase in enquiries from adults who may not have had an opportunity to correct their bite and their smile earlier in life. This reflects both a change in attitudes towards the role that orthodontic treatment can play in enhancing personal appearance as well as advances in orthodontic treatment techniques.’

The ‘Love your smile’ campaign will highlight how an orthodontist is best qualified to diagnose, prevent and treat any problems with the appearance and alignment of teeth and jaws.