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News / April 7, 2009

Health Minister accepts pay recommendations

by Guy Hiscott

Northern Ireland Health Minister Michael McGimpsey has accepted in full the pay recommendations of the Doctors and Dentists Pay Review Body for 2009-2010.

The 2009/10 recommendations include:
• A 1.5% increase for all salaried dentists and doctors; this includes consultants, dentists in training, specialty doctor and associate specialists, and salaried (community) dentists
• A 1.5% increase in the value of Clinical Excellence Awards, distinction awards and discretionary points
• A gross uplift of 0.21% for general dental practitioners (equivalent to 1.5% net).

The Minister said: ‘I am satisfied that this is a good deal, both for the staff affected and for patients and taxpayers. The increases are fair, but realistic in today’s economic climate.

‘There has been, and continues to be, significant investment in our medical workforce in recent years, which has improved recruitment and retention. This has had a direct impact on the front line services provided.’

‘I want to continue to improve services for our patients and clients, and my Department will continue to focus resources on local priorities.”