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News / June 20, 2019

HPV vaccine a ‘no-brainer’

by Mrs Siobhan Hiscott

The HPV vaccine is a ‘no-brainer’, according to the Irish Dental Association (IDA).

‘The HPV vaccine has been shown to be protective… it should be given to boys without a doubt… it is one of the most life-saving things that can be produced,’ said Professor Leo Stassen, president of the IDA.

When it comes to vaccination, Prof. Stassen said it was an ‘absolute no-brainer and I hope the committee will push it for both girls and boys’.

Prof. Stassen said he treats more than 100 cases of mouth cancer each year, which is a ‘significant rise’ on previous years and resulted in a ‘significant stress’ being placed on the system.

Dentists are usually the first professionals to diagnose head, neck or mouth cancer. After the cancer is treated and removed, often patients need further treatment from dentists.