Cork university continues expansion

University College Cork (UCC) has acquired a multi-million city centre plot to house its continuing expansion.
The new site, located at the former Brooks Haughton Builders Providers between Copley Street and South Terrace, will house UCCs new business school. The deal, worth €17.25m was signed last month with Dairygold, owner of the site.
The university is also investing in student accommodation, student IT services and a student hub. It is developing its medical, dental, paediatrics research, clinical health, innovation and research facilities.
Professor Ursula Kilkelly, head of the College of Business and Law, UCC, said: ‘[The] signing represents an important milestone in the continuing development of UCC’s Business School.
‘The school’s new city centre home will ensure that innovation and business focus are at the heart of the student experience, ensuring graduates are world- and work-ready, in line with national policy.’
The dean of Cork University Business School, Professor Thia Hennessy said: ‘We have seen the demand for our business programmes grow over the last few years and our physical infrastructure has been the main constraint on that growth.
‘This building will give us the capacity to realise our potential in terms of student numbers and to offer a world-class student and staff experience in a future-proofed learning environment for generations of business students to come.’