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News / February 4, 2014

Gaelic football worst for oral injuries

by Guy Hiscott

Gaelic football causes the most sporting-related dental injuries among children, according to a survey.

Figures revealed that one in three dental injuries among Irish adults are sport-related, ranking among the highest figures in the EU.

Hurling and rugby both came second in the survey, with cycling rated in third place.

The survey aimed to tackle the importance of wearing a gum shield or helmet while during sport.

Dr Sean Malone, IDA president, says: ‘We welcomed the GAA’s gum shield rule when it was introduced but it’s important that it is now strictly enforced.

‘The rule in every club for juveniles and adults should be the same – “no gum shield, no game”.’
More than 130 dentists took part in the survey, conducted by the Irish Dental Association (IDA).\

The survey was discussed at the IDA’s Annual Practice Management Seminar at the Dublin Convention Centre at the weekend.

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