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News / September 25, 2013

Deadline approaches for Irish Dentistry Awards

by Guy Hiscott

Update: The deadline has now closed – look out for the shortlist to appear in November’s issue of Irish Dentistry.

Dental teams across the country are being urged to enter the Irish Dentistry Awards before entry closes today (27 September).
But if you’ve been putting it off then don’t worry – give us a call on +44 (0) 1923 851743 or drop us an email to to let us know your entry is on its way.
All we need are a few hundred words on why you practice deserves to win, accompanied by as many images and supporting evidence – such as testimonials or marketing materials, for example – as you want to submit. We need all entries in digital formats, so get in touch for full details of how to send it to us.
The Irish Dentistry Awards recognise the excellent work being done by dental teams all over Ireland, across several categories:
• Best New Practice
• Most Attractive Practice
• Best Patient Care
• Best Specialist Practice
• Best Community or Charity Project (FREE)
• Best Marketing
• Best Website
• Best Employer
• Best Dental Team (Regional)
• Best Dental Laboratory (Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland)
• Best DCP (NEW)
• Best Practice Manager (NEW)
• Best Child Dental Health Initiative (NEW)
• Irish Dentistry’s Practice of the Year (Regional)
More information is available here.