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News / April 12, 2013

Dental appointments suffer as cutbacks squeeze funding

by Guy Hiscott

Cuts to the medical card and PRSI schemes have knocked the number of patients attending for dental treatment, it has emerged.
A survey conducted by the Irish Dental Association and published at the end of 2012 found almost a third of patients have postponed treatment because of the cuts to the two state-run schemes.
It also warned that more than a million people are planning on visiting the dentist less regularly as a result.
More people are waiting until they feel pain before attending, said the IDA, which it credits with a rise in extractions, gum disease and infections.
The head of the IDA’s General Practice Group, Dr Peter Gannon, described the news as ‘alarming’, adding that because the cuts affect eight out of 10 adults, he was concerned about a return ‘to the days of extractions and dentures’.
He blamed a lack of clarity for confusing patients and leading them to neglect their dental health.