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News / February 14, 2012

Team education on offer at Cork Dental School

by Guy Hiscott

Two courses on offer at Cork University Dental School and Hospital next month will bring crucial education to dental team members.
The University will run the courses on Saturday 24 March, and split the content between a continuing education seminar for hygienists, and one for nurses with all members of the dental team.
The two courses will share the same content during a morning session, which will see a range of experts discuss modern thinking in dental practices.
The topics being covered include:
• Efficiency and savings in the clinical environment (‘lean’ management)
• Medical emergencies in the dental practice
• Future trends in endodontics
• Challenges and developments in dental practice.
While the nurse and team member seminar ends at 1.30pm, the hygienist course will continue through the afternoon with two additional presentations. Dr Mary O’Dea will discuss the history of periodontal regeneration and revolutionary new approaches, while Dr Hassan Hassan Ziada will address the management of dental implants for the dental hygienist.
For more information on fees and booking details, contact Cork University Dental School and Hospital on 021 4901159 or at