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News / June 22, 2011

BDA Northern Ireland announces upcoming elections

by Guy Hiscott

Elections to all Northern Ireland committees will be advertised throughout the remainder of 2011 and the key dates are as follows:

12 September 2011
Call for self-nominations opens

14 October 2011
Deadline for receipt of self-nomination forms

11 November 2011
Ballot process in contested seats begins

9 December 2011
Close of voting

14 December 2011
Publication of all new committee memberships.

Every part of the dental profession is represented by the BDA in its role as a trade union. Each part of the profession has a committee that deals with the current issues and takes those points forward to the decision makers. However, no part of the profession exists on its own. The cross over is immense, between primary and secondary care, and from the high street to hospital, specialist care and the community dental services.

Essentially the work of the BDA can be distilled into it having a role in bringing the dental profession, and its messages, closer to decision makers, the media and the elected representatives sitting in the Northern Ireland Assembly.

As a member of the dental profession, each committee member works not only in his or her own job role but also for the best interests of the public and the profession. BDA brings those views forward through committees.

You can easily become involved in shaping the profession for the future by being part of the new BDA Northern Ireland Committee structure, which commences January 2012 for a three-year period.

The Northern Ireland Salaried Dentists Committee is concerned with those dentists in salaried employment in trusts, for whom it negotiates terms and conditions of service. The main issue is the push for a new contract, to bring Northern Ireland up to date with other salaried colleagues in health, all of whom have had new contracts.

The Northern Ireland Committee for Hospital Dental Services provides a forum at local level to discuss any matters relating to hospital dental services. Committee members provide an essential link between the committee and colleagues across the region and specialties.

The Northern Ireland Dental Practice Committee represents all practitioners in Northern Ireland and is made up of representatives from the four LDCs and from members of the BDA. The committee negotiates with DHSSPS on matters relating to service and remuneration, including the ongoing development of a new contract for Northern Ireland.

Read more at and turn your interest and enthusiasm in the profession to the benefit of colleagues as the BDA continues to articulate the issues for the profession to the many stakeholders in dentistry.