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News / May 19, 2011

Free mouth cancer checks this September

by Guy Hiscott

On 21 September 2011, free mouth examinations will be offered at participating dental practices throughout Ireland, as well as at the Dublin and Cork Dental Hospitals.

This announcement was made by Dr Conor McAlister, the new president of the Irish Dental Association and a Dublin-based dental practitioner, during the scientific conference last week.

Speaking to delegates, Dr McAlister pointed out that dentists were ideally placed to provide frontline screening for mouth cancer and he stressed that an early diagnosis greatly improves the chances of survival.

Dr McAlister continued: ‘Checking for mouth cancer is not a major inconvenience. Dentists routinely screen for it as part of a painless oral examination and it takes less than five minutes.

‘Following the success of last year’s awareness day, I am delighted to announce we will be staging an expanded awareness day on 21 September this year where free mouth examinations will be offered at participating dental practices throughout the country, as well as the Dublin and Cork Dental Hospitals.

‘Irregular visitors to the dentist are particularly welcome to attend, as are those who have no teeth and wear dentures.’

At least two Irish people die from oral cancer every week and the incidence of the disease is increasing, particularly among younger people. Recently there has been an increase in the incidence rates among women and in younger men, particularly in respect of cancer of the tongue. Where previously the male to female incidence ratio was six to one, it is now less than three to one.