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News / January 20, 2011

Irish dentists fly the flag at awards ceremony

by Guy Hiscott

Belmore Dental Studio enjoyed a fantastic evening at the 2010 Dentistry Awards, claiming the Best Team award for Northern Ireland as well as the Best Team UK title.

Belmore’s Rory McEnhill was also named Best Young Dentist for Northern Ireland.

He said: ‘It’s a bit surreal but it’s a wonderful experience. You put in the effort during your career; you try to be a better dentist and give your patients the best you can possibly give them, and this is a lovely reward for that. It’s a great thing to be recognised. Although I’ve won an individual award, I’m part of a team, and I’ve only got to where I am because of the people I work with.

‘The Dentistry Awards give the profession something to aim at – to put yourself into the awards selection process, you have to be better, and you have to aim at being a better dentist. You’re up against some amazing dentists, practices and teams, and to win is a wonderful accolade. At Belmore, we’re the most westerly practice at these awards, and I think we’ve done very well to even be recognised in Northern Ireland – to win the UK category is a super achievement, and we’re so proud to be in this position.’

Rory’s brother, Joe McEnhill, associate dentist at the practice, said: ‘As a first-time entrant, it’s truly overwhelming to win these awards. We didn’t expect to win; it really does come down to the hard work of our team. It’s lovely, among such esteemed peers, to be coming out on top – it really bolsters the confidence and makes you realise that you’re doing something good for your patients.’

Another big winner was Edward Lynch, who was awarded the UK Outstanding Achievement award.

Ed Lynch

Ed Lynch received the Outstanding Achievement award on the night

He said: ‘It is fantastic to be given this prestigious award and I feel privileged and honoured, especially with the very strong field of the nine shortlisted excellent people.

‘I want to thank professor Philip Lamey for nominating me for this award. Philip was my dean in Queen’s University Belfast for many years – in fact, he deserves this award more than I do.’