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News / January 17, 2011

Dentist creates weight loss app for iPhone

by Guy Hiscott

A dentist has created an iPhone app that tracks food eaten as well as they exercise used to burn it off.
US periodontist, Brian Young, launched his new iPhone app – Tracknburn – just before Christmas and it immediately sold in excess of 1,700 by Boxing Day.
It enables users to keep track of the food they eat and the exercise they do to burn off weight. The Tracknburn app will figure out how many calories the user needs after they enter their info along with their weight loss goal.
He says: ‘That time of year, people are looking to make a change. And everyone probably got their new iPhone for Christmas and they were looking for apps.’
In less than a month, more than 13,000 iPhone users have downloaded the application at $3.99.
The dentist, from Jacksonville, Florida, has reportedly invested $50,000 in to get off the ground, which means he needs to shift about 25,000 copies before turning a profit.
But Dr Young says: ‘It was 100 percent nothing to do with money. I went into it with the idea that if I break even, I’m happy. I just wanted to do it as a hobby.’