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News / September 24, 2010

Nasal mist in dentistry ‘grabs the imagination’

by Guy Hiscott

A needle-free dental anaesthetic has said to have ‘grabbed the imagination’ of dentists around the globe.
The new nasal mist was showcased at the 88th Annual International Association for Dental Research General Session Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain.

The event took place at the Centre Convencions Internacional, Barcelona, and brought together members of the IADR’s European Region, British, Continental European, Irish, Israeli, and Scandinavian divisions.

St Renatus, the US-based company resposnible for the product, is undergoing US Food and Drug Administration clinical testing for its nasal mist anaesthetic, which is administered through the nasal cavity and suitable for use in procedures involving most of the upper teeth.

This new drug product was presented within a poster titled ‘Nasal Spray for Anesthesia of Maxillary Teeth’ by Dr Fadi Ayoub, a proponent of the technology and full-time assistant professor in the restorative department at the University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine in New York.
Dr Ayoub and his staff administered Phase 1 and 2 clinical trials at their university.

He says: ‘I believe it will change how people think of dentistry worldwide. It was evident when the nasal mist grabbed the attention of many members at the event.’

St Renatus’ CEO, Steve Merrick, said: ‘Dental anesthesia is a niche field and this type of professional review might lead to better ideas related to the technology. It is a positive step to have independent scientists review and share their comments with you.’

St Renatus anticipates completion of FDA Phase 3 clinical trials in the first quarter of 2011.

Upon completion of the trials, the company will then submit the new drug application.