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News / April 9, 2010

A dazzling success at the Smile Awards 2010

by Guy Hiscott

Eileen McCarthy, Niall Murphy, Therese Garvey and Prof. Leo Stassen have received new recognition for their work following their win at the Smile Awards 2010 for a life-changing facial reconstruction case.

Speaking at the event, Prof. Stassen said: ‘This is one of the most exciting things to have happened to us. I am very grateful to all the people involved in the case – the orthodontist, the maxillofacial technician, the engineer, the surgeon and most importantly the patient. It is really thrilling to win this Smile Award and I would like to thank the organisers and all the sponsors that have helped to put the Smile Awards 2010 together. Without the patient, we wouldn’t have succeeded. This is a tremendous honour.’

Now in their second year, The Smile Awards have been created to promote clinical excellence in dental and facial aesthetics. These awards are giving those dental professionals the chance to be rewarded for practising at the highest level of aesthetic dentistry.

FMC Professional Director, Emily Cameron, who opened the ceremony, said: ‘Last year we successfully launched the Smile Awards and I am delighted that this year we have received more entries and with your commitment and support we have officially secured these awards as an annual event on the dental calendar. The Smile Awards are unique and were created to recognise the exceptional and clinically excellent work you do. The positive and often life changing results of your work on patients is often overlooked and the Smile Awards’.