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News / March 17, 2010

ISDC invites submissions for the O

by Guy Hiscott

The Irish Society of Dentistry for Children (ISDC) has issued an invitation for submissions for the 2010 O’Mullane Prize.

Entry is open to anyone associated with the provision or organisation of dental care for children in Ireland.

Judged by the ISDC Scientific Committee, the award will be given to the individual to have made the best presentation on any topic related to the provision of dental care to children.

The content of the presentation may include any of the following:
• Technique description
• Audit
• Case report
• Literature review
• Research
• Service organisation.

The finalists will be selected based upon submission of an abstract by 15 April 2010. Finalists must present their papers at the Annual Session, which takes place on 21 May in Limerick.

The winner will receive a cash award worth €250 and complimentary Annual Session registration, and a plaque will be awarded at the event.

For detailed instructions, application form, abstract style sheet and other enquiries, please contact Dr Evelyn Connolly, ISDC President, by email at