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News / August 27, 2008

Olympic fever hits The Dentistry Awards!

by Guy Hiscott

Kriss Akabusi will take the stage on 12 December to compere the event, adding his exuberant personality and infectious laughter to proceedings.

Kriss’s enthusiasm and attention to ‘focus, innovation and teamwork’ (FIT) when giving motivational speeches fit perfectly with the ethos of The Dentistry Awards.

Bringing together more than 600 people from all over the country, the awards celebrate passion, commitment and success throughout the dental profession.

So the question is, when can we expect to receive your entry?

The competition splits the UK into nine regions, with four award categories to choose from. The winners from each region then compete for the coveted UK overall prize in each category.

With three weeks to go until the deadline to enter – 17 September – why not remind yourself of the different categories just waiting for you to enter. Which one catches your eye?

♦ Best Practice ♦ Best Team ♦ Best Young Dentist

NEW FOR 2008 – The UK Outstanding Achievement Award

Having listened to your feedback, we are thrilled to launch this brand new category.

The award acknowledges outstanding contribution during the calendar year of 2008, and will be judged independently of the regions resulting in a UK overall winner.

Please visit for full details of the categories and entry hints and tips, or call us on 01923 851734 for an entry form.

Please let us know that you are entering by calling us on 0800 371652 to register your details as soon as possible to that we can look out for your entry in the post.