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News / April 11, 2008

CAO figures reveal dentistry applicant levels for 2008

by Guy Hiscott

According to the latest figures from the Central Applications Office (CAO), there has been an increase in the number of students applying for dentistry courses at Level 8 (honours degree).

This year, 1,110 people have applied for dentistry, an increase of 19.87% over last year’s figure of 926.

Conversely at Level 7 (ordinary degree), there has been a fall in the number of applicants from 2,390 to 1,930, a drop of 19.25%.

To put these figures into perspective, total applications to the CAO went up to 63,868, an increase of 1,907 over the March 2007 figure of 61,961 applicants, a rise of 3.08%.

CAO published the figures last month, which showed the application numbers as they stood in March 2008.